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My-Pastor Minute, Issue #003 -- Minister To Your Pastor's Wife January 23, 2007 |
1,500 pastors leave their churches every month in the United States because of conflict, burnout, or moral failure. Help keep your pastor from becoming part of that statistic. Use every available resource to encourage, support, and partner with your pastor. This ezine, My-Pastor Minute, combined with
give you a good start toward effectively ministering to your minister.
***************************************************** If you find this e-zine, helpful, please feel free to forward it to your friends. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the About My Pastor page on my site. ***************************************************** Date: January 23, 2007 Issue Number 003 Table of Contents:
***************************************************** Make a Prayer RaidThere is no better way to encourage your pastor and his family than through prayer. We should all pray daily for our pastor and his or her family. However, sometimes it provides a little extra encouragement if your pastor and his spouse know you’re praying for them. So here’s an idea you can put into action every week.Get a group of two or three friends together and make a surprise visit to your pastor at the office or your pastor’s wife at home. Tell them that he or she is on your heart today and that you just want to take ten or fifteen minutes to pray for them. Resist the temptation to chat or get comfortable. Go right to prayer as soon as possible. Pray for specific things, such as,
Give him or her a hug (if appropriate), tell them you love them and then leave. You could also leave a small gift (see below) or dessert. Stay no more than fifteen minutes. Done in this way, a surprise prayer raid would be a great encouragement each week. ***************************************************** A New Pastor Gift Idea: Sometimes Being Practical Is BestSome of the best pastor or pastor’s wife gifts are the most practical…give them what they need. And if you don’t know what they need, you could give them a Wal-Mart Gold Star Gift Card. Everyone can find something they need at Wal-Mart.
Minister to Your Minister’s Main MinisterYears ago Bette Middler made popular the song, “Wind Beneath My Wings.” While I doubt that “Miss M” had pastor’s wives in mind as she sang, I do when I hear those words.Anything good that came/comes out of my own pastoral ministry is in some way directly or indirectly related to my wife’s ministry to me, to the congregation, or in the community. Pastors can endure church conflict, discouragement, and disappointment when the wind beneath their wings is strong and stable. But what happens when the primary minister’s minister gets discouraged and tired? Her husband falters and the church stumbles. Ministering to your pastor’s wife is just as important as encouraging and supporting your pastor. Here are a few ideas on how best to minister to your minister’s minister.
While your pastor’s wife probably doesn’t receive a salary from the church, she is just as important to your church as your pastor. So if you want to keep your pastor energized and encouraged, minister to his wife. She is the wind beneath his wings. ***************************************************** What’s New at’ve added about a half dozen new poems to the following pages:
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think! Thank you for your ministry to your minister.
Dan Sherman
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