Bro. Carl Smith
by By: Members of Beauregard United Methodist Church
(Wesson, MS, USA)
Bro. Carl Smith is the pastor of Beauregard United Methodist Church in Wesson, Mississippi. He is the best pastor I've ever known. He is dedicated and willing to serve his church members day or night, however it doesn't stop there. He is also willing to serve our church members extended family as well as other people in our community.
He has a God given talent for preaching the word of God. His sermons are wonderful and always keep your attention. I've heard many people say, "he was talking just to me."
He is a talented musician and singer and always gets you in that spirit when he sings.
Bro. Carl is a prayer warrior and always willing to pray with you or for someone he doesn't even know.
He, his wife Malisia and their son Garrett are our family and we love them. We honestly wouldn't know what to do without them. They sincerely care about other people and are always willing to offer their support and prayers whenever needed.
He is not only the pastor of a busy church but also holds down a full time job, serves on many Emmaus Walks, sings with his group the Beesons at different gatherings and much much more.
He and his family are very special to us at Beauregard United Methodist Church and we feel very blessed to have all of them.