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Pastor Appreciation

Resources to Help You
Encourage Your Pastor

Pastor appreciation is a vital part of a church's successful ministry.

Hundreds of pastors leave their positions every month. Some of the causes of these exits are church conflict, burnout, moral failure, and discouragement.

There are, of course, many reasons why a pastor's ministry might be long or short. But the congregation that doesn't say, "Thank you," in practical ways will almost guarantee limited success.

But don't wait until the official pastor appreciation month to show your gratitude. Any time is the right time for a pastor appreciation poem in a card or included in your Pastor Appreciation Bulletins .

You could use this sample clergy appreciation sermon if you've been asked to preach.

Or use a clergy appreciation scripture passage for a Sunday School lesson or a bible study.

Surprise minister appreciation skits or minister appreciation songs on Sunday morning can also encourage a pastor. And speaking of encouraging your pastor, try these 52 ideas.

Personal greeting cards can also be encouraging.

Are you looking for something fun and funny? Try a pastor roast.

Use your imagination and your knowledge of who your pastor is and what he likes. Try some of our suggested pastor appreciation ideas.

But don't forget, prayer is the best way to show appreciation. Use these pastor prayer requests to help get you started.

Pastor gifts
are often nice as well. Simple things mean as much as more expensive expressions...though I never argued when someone gave me a golf course gift certificate! Or collect a financial gift with these Pastor Appreciation Offering Envelopes.

And while you're here, write a pastor tribute and brag about your pastor!

And don't forget to show your pastor's wife a special measure of appreciation as well! Gifts, cards, flowers, poems, baby sitting, a surprise corsage on Sunday morning, help running errands, or a cup of cappuccino with friends are all great ways to tell your pastor's wife how much you love her...

...and if she likes golf...oh yea, that's me.

And if you're planning a pastor appreciation event, it might be helpful to use the free event planning checklist from free

Why is clergy appreciation so important?

Because a pastor that is appreciated by the majority in his congregation is a pastor that can press forward confidently knowing that his people are with him. A loved pastor who knows he is constantly encouraged...filled with excitement, optimism, and courage.


1) Because he knows that he can fail and still be loved.

Leadership in any organization...especially a church...requires risk.

Pastors risk being emotionally hurt when they open up to you and love you unconditionally.

Pastors risk being disliked if they make an unpopular decision.

Pastors risk their future career, ministry, and finances by taking stands against sin.

Pastors risk criticism for nearly every choice they make, every sermon they preach, every person they love.

But pastor appreciation encourages him to press on, to make the tough decisions, to risk loving people who might criticize him in return.

Why clergy appreciation?

2) Because he knows that he is not carrying the burdens of ministry alone.

When I asked my church leaders for help during a difficult period in one ministry, they genuinely wanted to support me. But they asked for a list of things they could do so that I wouldn't have to do them.

But most pastors don't mind having a full "to do" list. Being too busy is not usually the issue.

What pastors need most is people who will partner with them, have a vision for the ministry of the church, and roll up their sleeves and get involved in the real (and sometimes messy) ministry of encouraging, discipling, leading, and teaching.

Why Minister Appreciation?

Because the success of your church depends on it...

because God commands it...

and because your pastor needs and deserves it!

But I don't need to tell you this. You chose to visit this pastor appreciation do appreciate him (or her)! You're the kind of person that your pastor needs...the kind of person every pastor hopes for!

So please use the resources on this site to show your pastor appreciation!


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Pastor Appreciation Workbook

Pastor Appreciation Songs

Pastor Appreciation Poems

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