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Pastor Appreciation Gift

This Is What I Want

What's the absolute best pastor appreciation gift?

People ask me that question all the time. It's hard to find something for your pastor when 100 other people are also giving pastor gifts. And it makes it even more difficult when you don't really know what he needs or wants.

I've listed some good Christian gifts, religious gifts, and pastor appreciation gift ideas on other pages. But this page is dedicated to my favorite gift idea. It's the gift I wish my churches gave to me.

Pastor Appreciation Gift

What Makes a Great Gift?

Three things help to make this the perfect pastor appreciation gift.

  • It's Personal
  • It Preserves Precious Memories
  • It's Unique

Pastor Appreciation Gifts

It's been a long time since I graduated from college and accepted my first pastorate. It was a little church in rural Wisconsin. I have a lot of memories about those first years in ministry. But over time those memories disappear - people's faces fade, important events get replaced.

I wish I had pictures - a lot of pictures - from those years. I wish I had pictures from all my ministry years. It would be fun to think back. It would be encouraging to remember what God did.

I do have some pictures... somewhere... I think. The few I have are scattered here and there. I'm trying to scan into my computer as many pictures as I can find. But unfortunately, I can't find nearly as many as I would like.

If only I had scrapbooks or photo albums with all those memories organized. Then I could just put them all on a shelf; know exactly where they were; and look at them whenever I wanted... whenever I needed some encouragement.

That's what makes this the perfect gift.

The Perfect Pastor Appreciation Gift

This gift is unique because it is so flexible. There are many reasons to give your pastor a photo album or scrapbook.

  • A Group Gift - Review your church year with pictures and words. This is an excellent annual gift. Your pastor will want one for each year he is your pastor.
  • Church History - When your church has a significant anniversary (25th, 50th, etc.), put your church history in a photo book. Give one to your pastor and take orders from everyone else.
  • Pastor's Anniversary - When your pastor has been at your church for 5, 10, 15, etc. years, give him the gift of memories.
  • Building Project - Record your church building project with pictures. Then put those pictures into a photo album as a gift to your pastor.
  • Chronicle Your Pastor's Entire Ministry - Maybe your pastor has been in ministry for 35 or even 50 years. Get pictures from each of his past churches, combine them with pictures of your church and put them into a photo book.
  • Missions Trip - Make a photo book of a missions trip your pastor went on.
  • Missionaries - A photo album with pictures of your church's missionaries in action would help your pastor (and everyone) see what God is doing around the world.
  • Wedding Anniversary - Borrow pictures from your pastor's wedding and use them to create a photo book.
  • A New Baby - Create a book all about the new baby in your pastor's life - child or grandchild.

There are many reasons to create a photo book. The one I like best, though, is an annual book that reviews the previous year at your church. Books like that are priceless.

The Problem with Scrapbooks

You can create your own photo book or scrapbook from materials you find at local stores. And there are many places online you can order scrapbook supplies.

But in my opinion, ordinary photo albums and scrapbooks have a few problems.

  • The Pictures Fade
  • Pictures Fall Out and Get Lost
  • The Books Aren't Durable

That's why I like photo books created with digital pictures and printed in actual book form.

Pastor Appreciation Gift

How Do You Make One?

There are several places online you can create nice photo books. So you might want to look at a few before you decide. When I checked some out, I asked three questions.

  • Is the company reputable?
  • Does it offer a simple process?
  • Is the product excellent?

Using those three questions, I chose Picaboo


The process is simple.

  1. Download the free software.
  2. Sign up for a free account.
  3. Design your photo book using the software you downloaded and your digital pictures.
  4. Have Picaboo

    print your book. They'll send it to you within a few days.

These books are beautiful, long lasting, and the perfect pastor appreciation gift!

Picaboo Family Photo Books

Try this pastor appreciation gift


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