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My First Home Wedding!

by Pastor David W. Gessaman
(Buffalo, Il 62515)

I had only been in the ministry for a short time, pastoring a small church in a little town. I had only done one church wedding and it had gone pretty smooth. I was kind of over confident to say the least. However, this was my first experience in performing a home wedding. They lived in a really big town and this was years before GPS. It didn’t help that I couldn’t find their house. The house was totally filled. I started the ceremony as the bride was coming down from upstairs. As she ascended, everyone began to hum, “Here Comes the Bride!” This totally shook me up as this was their only music. I started my part of the ceremony. There was a lot of giggling and talking going on, so I loudly began the Vows: “Will you John, have Sharon to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Peals of laughter broke out! All eyes were on me! I looked up and said, “I just done that on purpose to get your attention. The rest of the day was a blur!!!

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