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by Juanita
(West Park, FL, US)

One sunday morning during our church sunday school youth class, we were having a discussion about the importance of the cross. How JESUS was nailed upon the cross shows us how much HE cared and loved us. They were looking as if they didn't understand. I said to them, I'm a parent and I love my children. I would do anything for them, but, I don't believe I or any other parent would allow ourselves to be nailed to a cross. One student said, "for my child, yes I will". My reply, "no you won't". Student's reply, "How do you know?". I reached acrossed the table and pinched him on the arm; he shouted in a loud voice, "OUCH". I said to him, "that's how I know".
Imagine, nails vs. a pinch.

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