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by Marie Barnes
(Greenbrier Arkansas)
I am a faithful, and long time member of New Beginning Church in Greenbrier Arkansas where Bob Robinson is Pastor. The love of God flows through us and through the church.
Some have even said they can feel it when they get on the parking lot and they can feel it when they enter the church. I love my Pastor, he is a wonderful man of God. He is my Brother in Christ and a wonderful Friend, I couldn't ask for any one better, He's faithful to God and to his congergation. He love's his church family with all his heart and we love him with all of ours.
He teaches us straight from the Word OF God and we have learned so much and he can see how much each one of us has grown in Christ. He's Special, truely sent from God to be our Shepard. Before I started going there He and his wife Diane told me they needed me, no one ever told me they needed me before and that touched my heart in a special way. I was shy and wouldn't get up and talk in front of anyone I just couldn't, but they cared and they love me and now I sing and talk in front of everyone because of the love they showed me.
My pastor is the Greatest, he laughs with us and prays everyday and night for us and calls out each one of our names he even cries with us and for us.
He really cares for his church family and when he talks about Jesus and how he love's him tears fill his eyes and it just touches me. He loves The Lord with all that is in him and he wants all of us to make heaven our home. He is dedicated to the Lord and his church family and when he has to be away he misses everyone. My Pastor has tought me so much more than any Pastor I have ever sat under.
I'm the pastor's wife's Armor bearer and I am also His. I'm there for them always and I will always stand by them and hold them up in prayer. My pastor is the Best ever and I love him very much. Marie Barnes Layman and Friend.