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Pastor Melinda Clark

by Shana Thomas

She is Dynamite!!!

She is Dynamite!!!

Clearly, you are a true reflection of God's heart. Never dealing with people out of what they do and don't do, But out of compassion. Its just amazing to have a Women of Integrity in my life. I appreciate all you have done for me. You have given me an opportunity to become great and I know sometimes I have blonde moments, all sheep do lol, but I am going to get this thing if I have to die trying. I'm not going to give up. So continue in the faith, I believe in you!!I Believe in you, I Believe in You!! I Believe in you, I Believe in You, Not what you can produce or seem to make happen. But I believe in you as the person that you are great for God and it's not about how many people you reach that make you great it's the way you remain with the love of God and respond to God, the example you give that makes you perfect, the perfect pastor to me!

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