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by TJ & Willa Jones
(Hampton, GA)
Pastor White stands tall, physically (6 feet 7 inches), but that is not what makes him so special. He stands tall spiritually. He teaches the word line upon line and precept upon precept. He prays with faith and he is careful to teach his parishoners how to pray and what it means to have NOW, faith based on Hebrews 11:1. He stongly believes in visiting the sick and ministering to the broken hearted. Besides, he loves to celebrate our good times and good news. He is always taking the opportunity to celebrate our young people's academic successes individualy. He preaches to the eight year old as well as to the eighty year old. He preaches with clarity and confdence and conviction. Pastor White's ministry is personable and purposeful. His preaching is proclaiming and prophetic. His leadership is professional and practical.
Shiloh Baptist Church in Jonesboro, GA is blessed and highly favored and we are thankful for this true man of God who is our Shepherd.