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Pastor Tashika Hayes

by Destiny Edwards
(Millville, New Jersey )

Praising God for your life

Woman of God and our gift from heaven
God looks at you and smiled since the day you accepted him
Since the day you signed your application
Heaven rejoiced in admiration
You are an awesome woman God created
Though sometimes you may be frustrated
You have a calling and yes all of us do
But God breathed upon your mother as he chose you
No matter how you feel you give God your life
Doing his will through stress torment and strife
Woman of God stand tall and stand strong
You may be short in the natural but you spirit is tall and long
I praise God for you my pastor elect
Not elected by people but by heaven and you are just what God expect
God sees you as holy while you preach heaven or hell
Just for standing in the fire you to will excel
Never having hatred held deep in you heart
Turning things to Jesus is where we start
You’ve taught me so many things but trusting God is the best
But I’m truly blessed to have a pastor seeking full holiness
I’ll dance and I’ll sing and we will be so polite
pastor Tashika Hayes praise for your life

By Destiny Edwards

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