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Pastor Walter & Gladys Tolbert

by Jackie
(Stockbridge, GA)

Pastor Walter & First Lady Gladys Tolbert

Pastor Walter & First Lady Gladys Tolbert

My Pastor and his wife are truly a blessing from the Lord!! They both have a love for their congregation and I love them as a friend and a pastor. I thank God for both of them.

I love you, Jackie

Comments for Pastor Walter & Gladys Tolbert

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by: Anonymous

Being a pastor, and more over, being a pastor's wife is not an easy task! You are both commended for your service to the Lord. Although I really do not know you, both, let me say this to each of you: while being in service to our Master, "DO NOT" FORGET to serve each other! While you are loving the flock of your congregation, "DON'T FORGET" to love each other! And last but not least, while you both, make haste to meet the needs of the body of your church, "MOST DEFINITELY, DO NOT FORGET" to meet the needs of "EACH OTHER!" For that, coupled with "CONTINUOUSLY SEEKING OUR LORD, for WISDOM, STRENGTH, for the "PRESS" that lies ahead, will be the cohesiveness that allows you to remain, "AS ONE, IN HIS SERVICE!" May God Continue to Bless you, Pastor Walter and First Lady Gladys Tolbert, according to His Riches in Glory!

by: Peter & Beverley Pickett

To Pastor Glen & First Lady Gladys Tolbert we congratulate you on your 9th year church anniversary. You are both true blessings sent by God. Keep on bringing Victory.

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