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by Frederick Horsley
You've Been more than a friend You've Been My Dad, Mentor, Lawyer, and so much more. I had to brag because I believe in giving honor where honor is due. You are an anointed man and I'm convinced that God put you in my life for a reason. In spite of my flaws you were always there for me! You truly were and still are the meaning of a GOOD father. You taught me alot, How to be a man of intergity and respect. Although it may have seemed that I wasn"t listening I was. I wish I would have been a better SON, But we learn from our mistakes I thank you for all you have done for me. You planted a seed in my life and I am forever grateful.You saw more in me then i could see in myself. Now relize that pride cometh before the fall but im glad that I serve a God that is able to pick me up when I hit rock bottom. Now my eyes are begining to see what you saw in me. I love you pastor, Dad, Bishop